Events & upcoming projects
Here are the public events you can register for, as well as the outdoor events I will be attending.
April 2024
4th stage of the crossing of Canada on foot on theTrans-Canada Trail
Since April 15, 2023, from Cape Spear to Newfoundland, I have walked approximately 5000 km in 19 weeks. My goal is to get to Victoria, British Columbia.
My mission is to highlight a theory based on Maslow's pyramid by taking into consideration our physical and mental well-being, our finances, other human beings and the environment.
So far, I have raised $2,500, which will be used to offer free workshops and conferences to elementary and high school students.
Previews Events & Projects
February 2 to 4, 2024
Double Défi des deux Mario
for the Foundation Sur la Pointe des Pieds
This mission aims to raise $1,500 for the On the Tip of the Toes foundation. This 3-day challenge will be to cross Lake St-Jean on cross-country skis.
In addition to raising funds for a good cause, this weekend will allow me to train for the rest of the crossing of Canada on foot.
I invite you to contribute generously to this cause. All funds will be donated to the Sur tiptoes foundation.
To know more :On tiptoe
To contribute financially to this challenge
Lancement et Conférence en ligne
22 novembre à 19h00
Je vais vous raconter les plus beaux moments, les défis qui se sont présenté et les leçons apprises de mon voyage depuis les 5000 derniers KM.
En plus, je vais vous expliquer les projets à venir, ma mission et Je vais vous faire visiter mon site web et, bien sur, je vais répondre à vos questions !
J'ai bien hâte de vous y retrouver !
October 28, 2023
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Walk on the P'tit Train du Nord withWalk differently in Quebec.
From Prévost Station, we will take the trails of the Alfred-Kelly Nature Reserve to finish our journey on the P'tit train du Nord. A day of 20 kilometers to immerse yourself in autumn nature. An experience conducive to rejuvenation and inner calm.